Project Description
Working collaboratively with Barton-Coe-Vilamaa (BCV), Performance Services (PSI) constructed a new vocational technology building addition and designed, installed, and commissioned major classroom and facility renovations at six Wawasee school buildings. With the selection of the PSI/BCV team in January 2009 and a June start date, PSI successfully and substantially completed the project during the 11-week summer window.

“It was a great and collegial atmosphere. Performance Services, Barton-Coe-Vilamaa, and our staff worked together collaboratively to accomplish a significant amount of needed work in a very short period of time and achieve an optimal learning environment for our students and staff. ”
Project Highlights
Wawasee High School
- Classroom renovation – HVAC, technology, infrastructure, and digital controls
- Central plant renovation – HVAC, electrical system
- Building HVAC renovation
Vocational Building
- Remodel classrooms, offices, and shop areas
- Construct new trades classrooms
- Construct new offices and computer lab
Wawasee Middle School
- Central plant renovation
- Pool HVAC renovation
- Roof replacement
Syracuse Elementary
- Classroom HVAC renovation and digital controls
- Central plant renovation
Milford Elementary
- Central plant modification and digital controls
- Roof replacement
North Webster Elementary
- HVAC modification and digital controls