Merrillville Community Schools

New Career and Technical Education (CTE) Wing

  • $21,086,062

    Contract Total
  • 57,000

    Square Feet
  • October 2024


Project Description

Merrillville High School saw the need to modernize programs to include career technology education. As a result, the District partnered with Performance Services to design and construct a Career Technology Education addition to the existing high school building to provide students with a transformative learning experience. The CTE addition creates a dynamic learning space that emphasizes skill development and prepares students for real-world careers. This addition modernizes the District’s current programs and co-locates them in the same facility to facilitate and support collaboration. The addition incorporates specialized classrooms and labs relevant to various career pathways, allowing students to gain hands-on experience. This allows for a seamless transition from the classroom learning environment to implementing what the students learned.

This new 57,000 square foot addition includes classrooms and labs for automotive, welding, fire rescue, and construction trades while allowing for future growth. By combining cutting-edge facilities with a curriculum focused on practical skills and real-world application, the CTE addition equips students with the tools they need for success in their chosen careers. This holistic approach ensures that graduates are not only academically prepared but also ready to make meaningful contributions to the workforce or expand their knowledge in additional apprenticeships or other training programs.

Project Highlights

  • Large construction trades lab
  • Welding lab
  • Fire and rescue lab with training area
  • Automotive area
  • Future lab for expanding educational offerings
  • Classroom spaces
Tony Kuykendall Business Development Manager
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