Fort Wayne Community Schools

Improvement Projects Result in 29 ENERGY STAR Schools

  • $27,720,994

    Total Contracts, I-VII
  • 29

    Energy Star Buildings
  • $3,167,920

    Annual Guaranteed Savings

Investing in Students and Sustainability

As one of the largest school districts in Indiana, Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS) serves more than 29,000 students across 51 schools, including elementary, middle, and high schools. Committed to providing a high-quality education in safe and comfortable learning environments, the district recognized the need to upgrade its aging lighting and HVAC systems to improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and overall student and staff comfort. In 2011, FWCS embarked on a mission to modernize its facilities and reduce overall energy consumption, ensuring that its schools could continue to support student success for years to come.

To begin, the FWCS sought a partner that could not only implement energy-focused improvements through a performance contract but also assist the district in adopting a behavioral-based approach to energy awareness and consumption. After a competitive process, Performance Services began a 10+ year partnership to improve comfort, efficiency, and sustainability across the District’s facilities.

The Energy Leadership program was launched across all 53 district buildings to great success. By implementing a strategic approach to energy conservation that engaged all building occupants, including students and staff, the district achieved a ten-year cumulative cost avoidance of more than $18 million. In addition, the HVAC, controls, and lighting improvements not only modernized the district’s facilities but also led to energy and operational savings of $3,167,920. And together this combination of projects and programs earned ENERGY STAR certification for 29 of its buildings, reflecting the district’s commitment to environmental stewardship and fiscal responsibility.

Project Highlights

  • Enhanced Air Conditioning: To address areas lacking adequate cooling or experiencing overheating, separate A/C units were installed, and airflow of existing fan systems was increased. Additionally, fan-powered relief was added at 11 buildings to improve efficiency.
  • Classroom Comfort: New vertical units were installed in 11 buildings to improve air circulation, ensuring a more comfortable learning environment.
  • Efficient Heating and Cooling: High-efficiency boilers and more efficient chillers were installed to optimize the heating and cooling systems.
  • Advanced Controls: New digital controls were implemented on HVAC systems to allow for precise management of indoor climates.
  • Improved Ventilation: Variable speed relief fans were installed to increase ventilation and balance static pressure, contributing to better indoor air quality.
  • Lighting Upgrades: High-bay lighting was upgraded to brighter, more efficient lighting, and connected to a digital control system. LED lighting was also installed in the natatorium and several school buildings, including gymnasiums.
  • Building Envelope Improvements: Exterior windows at Holland Elementary were replaced to enhance energy efficiency and comfort.
  • Energy Leadership Program: The district launched an energy-focused behavioral program that engaged students and staff to become better stewards of energy consumption. The program resulted in:
    • Improved thermal comfort and the learning environment
    • $18 million in cumulative energy cost avoidance
    • 122,729,356 kWh of electricity saved
    • 4,942,939 therms of natural gas saved
    • $669,405 in utility rebates and energy incentives
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