Project Description
Daleville Community Schools selected Performance Services to complete a full mechanical renovation at Daleville Jr/Sr High School. During the 2014 – 2015 school year, Daleville adopted the popular balance calendar schedule that decreased the length of summer break and required a performance contract provider to implement the project on a fast-track schedule, allowing only 7 weeks for the construction phase of the project.
Through a coordinated effort with the owner, subcontractors, and Performance Services, the project was completed on time, on budget, and was awarded the ENERGY STAR® in July 2018.

Superintendent, Daleville Community Schools
“The Performance Services Team kept our project “on track” and we were very prepared to begin our school year with a much better learning environment for our students.”
Project Scope
- Replaced unit ventilators in 28 classrooms with ducted vertical classroom units
- Installed variable speed roof-mounted relief air fans
- New high-efficiency boilers
- Variable speed drives on air handlers and pumps
- New high-efficiency domestic water heater
- Replaced water-cooled chiller with new air-cooled chiller
- Installation of CO2 sensors to monitor air quality
- Modernization of building automation system
- Web-based digital controls workstation provides District the ability to remotely monitor and adjust classroom and building temperatures