Sustainability efforts are expected to reduce energy and water utility costs by 15 percent across the district.
Austin ISD has launched an Energy Leadership Program across the district, which could reduce energy and water utility costs of 15 percent.
Sustainability efforts to reduce energy and water consumption and costs are focused on eliminating waste by ensuring equipment is only operated when needed, utilizing energy and water efficiently by improving equipment and systems, and promoting the use of renewable energy and water resources-while ensuring a comfortable and safe learning environment.
“The focus on energy conservation is more than lights and thermostat settings,” said Robert Cervi, AISD executive director of construction management and facilities “It’s understanding how equipment and building occupant behavior work together to minimize consumption resulting in an overall reduction in utility cost. That’s monies that can be used toward classrooms and instruction.”
Working collaboratively with contractor, Performance Services, Austin ISD facilities team members have established Energy Conservation Guidelines to plan, monitor and improve the district’s energy and water performance. The Performance Services’ awarded contract also includes an energy savings improvement project at 10 district buildings. Improvements are focused on integrating responsible energy management and water conservation into both equipment and building controls.
In addition, an Energy Leadership campus awareness and engagement effort will provide district-wide messaging to school administration and students through in-person training, student activities, email, and social media communications around the topics of energy and water consumption at district buildings. A campaign theme of “Be the Best and Help Put Your Building to Rest” will provide entertaining and engaging opportunities and helpful checklists that principals, teachers, and students can use to save energy.
To find out more or request utility data, visit the AISD sustainability webpage.