At Performance Services, we are committed to stewardship and giving back in practical ways to support people who are much less fortunate than ourselves. Learn more about some of our efforts in this important area.

Honduras Stewardship Project

Performance Services has partnered with Republic Airways and Food for the Poor to build a community in Villa Edan Bonilla, an impoverished village in Honduras. As part of the project, we are building 151 homes with electricity to house the village’s 755 residents. Residents will have clean drinking water in their homes via two new well water pumps with a filtration system, two large storage tanks, and piping to each home. A wastewater treatment plant has been installed and is connected to all of the homes and other facilities. A KinderCare/daycare facility, a youth outreach center, a multipurpose sports complex, and four commercial business structures are also being constructed. Lastly, the project also includes constructing roads and concrete drainage ditches to accommodate the spring floods they experience each year. In addition to the new homes, community facilities and community infrastructure development, residents are receiving training for vocational opportunities, community management, and water/wastewater treatment plant management to better manage their new community. The goal of this training is to enable the community to live peacefully together and self-manage their community in addition to providing employment opportunities for all residents enabling them to flourish long-term. The project is expected to be completed in 2025. View the video below for the Spring 2023 project update.

Zoe Empowers

logo-imagePerformance Services proudly supports Zoe Empowers, a program designed to equip vulnerable children with tools and training to overcome life-threatening poverty for good. The three-year program provides valuable resources across eight key areas: food security, secure housing, health & hygiene, education, income generation, child rights, community connections, and spiritual strength. Learn more about the organization and its mission to empower orphaned children.

Zoe Empowers Group at the Onion Harvest

Haiti Stewardship Project

Our story in Haiti began in 2012 when Performance Services funded homes in a village called Vialet. On the road to Vialet, the mission team’s bus broke down near a Food for the Poor-sponsored fishing village. Seeing the village and learning about the work completed there inspired the mission team to serve the people of Gros Mangle the following year. As a result, Casting Hope, a project of Food for the Poor, was born. Since then, Performance Services has completed several important community projects in Gros Mangle, Barriere Battant, La Fosse, and Vialet. Learn more about our work in Haiti.

Allied Solutions Center for the Performance Arts

The Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts LogoThe Allied Solutions Center for the Performing Arts programs multiple free school matinees for students from across Central Indiana to enjoy. These free performances allow students to enjoy a wide variety of live arts experiences at the Palladium, with the opportunity to ask questions of the artists after each program. Some student matinees also include the availability of educational resources such as classroom activity ideas, study guides, and supplemental content.

Bolt for the Heart

Bolt for the Heart LogoBolt For The Heart has raised nearly $1.1 Million and donated over 900 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) in the Central Indiana area. Performance Services continues its support for Bolt for the Heart’s mission. In 2020 Bolt for the Heart’s mission is to provide AEDs to all 92 County Sheriff Departments. Performance Services has proudly awarded and supplied 15 Indiana County Sheriffs with an AED device. Learn more about Bolt for The Heart and join us for the upcoming virtual race today:

Tamarindo Foundation

tamarindo-foundation-logo1Against a backdrop of rural, post-war violence and a migration crisis, the Tamarindo Foundation, Inc. (TFI) creates opportunities for non-violence, empowerment, and physical well-being in the community of Guarjila, El Salvador. It offers programs focused on enhancing the wellness, education, and capacity of young people and women. The Tamarindo has transformed hundreds of group members’ lives, generated positive impacts throughout the community, and introduced numerous visitors to the challenges and dignity of daily life in Central America.

The Thoman Learning Center, a center for education and community in Guarjila, was constructed in 2019 and inaugurated in 2020. Tim Thoman and parishioners from St. Pius in Indianapolis attended the inauguration during a trip in February 2020. The Thoman Learning center supports the Tamarindo initiative to develop academic and vocational educational opportunities based on a comprehensive understanding of the Salvadoran economy, making Salvadoran youth job-ready.


Trinity Free Clinic

trinity-free-clinic-logoThe mission of the Trinity Free Clinic is to provide quality, free medical, dental, and health services with dignity and respect to the uninsured, underinsured, and low-income residents of Hamilton County through professional and dedicated staff and volunteers.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

st-vincent-de-paul-logoThe Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those served.

Catholic Relief Services

catholic-relief-services-logoCRS’s mission is to assist impoverished and disadvantaged people overseas, working in the spirit of Catholic social teaching to promote the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person. Although its mission is rooted in the Catholic faith, its operations serve people based solely on need, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity.

Women’s Care Center

women-s-care-center-logoWomen’s Care Center provides free, confidential counseling, support and education to women facing unplanned pregnancies. It serves 26,000 women annually from 28 centers in ten states, including Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The O’Connor House

o-connor-house-logoThe O’Connor House Mission is to provide a Christian home to help single, pregnant, homeless women improve life for themselves and their children.

Wheeler Mission

wheeler-mission-logoWheeler Mission Ministries helps the homeless in Indiana. Wheeler is a non-denominational, Christian social services organization that provides critically needed goods and services to the homeless, poor, and needy of central Indiana without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, creed, national origin, or religion.

Samaritan’s Feet International

Performance Services has partnered with Samaritan’s Feet to provide new shoes to toddlers and school children in need in Indiana and Haiti. Our recent projects include LaFosse and an earlier project at Fort Wayne Community Schools (FWCS). Photos of the FWCS event are posted on our Facebook page. You can read more about the work of Samaritan’s Feet and Manny Ohonme’s mission to furnish a million pairs of shoes to children in need around the world.


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