Ladue School District

Window Replacement Project

  • $5,734,786

    Contract Total
  • $382,320

    Guaranteed Annual Energy and Operational Savings
  • August 2024

    Completion Date

Project Description

Ladue School District has four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school that serve 4,180 students outside of St. Louis. Two of the District’s elementary schools needed significant building envelope improvements. They had aging windows that impacted the optimal learning environments. In 2023, the District selected Performance Services to solve their issues by replacing all exterior windows, including repairing the soffit and casework. The project began in the Fall of 2023 and concluded in the Fall of 2024 and guarantees $382,320 in annual energy and operational savings for 15 years.

Project Highlights

Reed Elementary

  • Removed and replaced 144 exterior windows
  • Replaced soffit
  • Repaired and replaced casework
  • Installed new window shades

Conway Elementary

  • Removed and replaced 130 exterior windows
  • Replaced soffit
  • Repaired and replaced casework
  • Installed new window shades
John Nonn Headshot
John Nonn Business Development Manager
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