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Scott Zigmond

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Scott Zigmond learned about client expectations very early in his career.  In grade school, he took on a paper route delivering 40 Chicago Tribune papers after school five days per week in the suburbs of Chicago.  His clients wanted a paper that was on time, in one piece, dry and placed on the driveway where it could be easily seen.  After a year of an afternoon route, he got “promoted” to take on a Sunday route with his dad that encompassed 300+ Tribunes and Chicago Sun-Times.  Throughout Junior High and High School, Scott and his dad drove that route every Sunday beginning with a wakeup call at 4:30 a.m. and finishing the route by 8:00 a.m.

Those early wakeup calls helped him during his four years at West Point.  Besides getting up early, Scott also learned a great deal about leading people, the concepts of Duty, Honor, and Country, as well as listening to others.  After graduating from the Academy, Scott served as an Army Officer at Ft. Sill, OK; Nurnberg, Germany; Somalia and Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis.  These experiences helped him see the power of one team working together towards a common goal or mission and what was necessary to achieve these goals.

Over the last 30 years, Scott has held various leadership roles in a few different companies.  He was drawn to Performance Services by the people and culture of the company as well as the sector of energy and construction. When not at work, Scott and his wife, Joanie, loved spending time with their five daughters who live in Berlin, Los Angeles, New York, Bloomington, IN and Carmel, IN.  He enjoys fitness, movies and is an avid sports fan.  Scott has allegiances to many sports teams from high school through college to the pros, but especially to Army Football. Beat Navy!


  • Has led client teams for the last 30 years ranging from 8 to 450 people at Performance Services, Roche Diagnostics, GE Medical Systems, and the U.S. Army
  • Responsible for 15-20 large partnerships annually throughout the US (2000-2008)


  • United States Military Academy Admissions Liaison Officer
  • Rep. Susan Brooks Academy Nomination Committee Member
  • Samaritans Feet International Volunteer
  • Guerin Catholic High School Dad’s Day Host


  • Master of Science in Business Administration, Boston University Overseas Program, Nurnberg, Germany – 1991
  • Bachelor of Science in Management, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY – 1988
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